ಸದಸ್ಯರ ಚರ್ಚೆಪುಟ:Shushruth/Autotransliteration
Get the whole script from te:Mediawiki:TeTranslit.js and replace it with kannada hash and paste into a file like Mediawiki:Translit.js or something similiar to your liking.
and then you have to add the following script calling code to your Mediawiki:Common.js /*
== Kannada Transliteration script == */ document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + 'http://kn.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Translit.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"' + '&action="raw"></script>'); function addLoadEvent(func) { if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", func, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", func); } function addTranslit(editForm, textBox) { checkrt(editForm); if (textBox.addEventListener) textBox.addEventListener("keypress", processKeys, false); else if (textBox .attachEvent) textBox.attachEvent("onkeypress", processKeys); } function addTextEvent() { //cookie for remembering transliteration choice if(kn_getCookie('knWikiTranslit')!=null && kn_getCookie('knWikiTranslit')!="") realTime=(kn_getCookie('knWikiTranslit')=="true")?true:false; // add transliteration feature to main edit box var editForm =document.getElementById('editform'); if(editForm != null) { var textBox=document.getElementById('wpTextbox1'); var textSummary = document.getElementById('wpSummary'); addTranslit(editForm,textBox); addCheckbox(editForm,textBox ); if(textSummary) { addTranslit(editForm,textSummary); } } // add transliteration feature to search form var searchForm = document.getElementById('searchform'); if( searchForm != null ) { var searchBox = document.getElementById('searchInput'); if(searchBox) { addTranslit(searchForm,searchBox); } } // add transliteration feature to power search var powerSearchForm = document.getElementById('search'); if( powerSearchForm != null) { var powerSearchBox = document.getElementById('lsearchbox'); if( powerSearchBox ) { addTranslit(powerSearchForm, powerSearchBox );} } // add transliteration feature to move page var movePageForm = document.getElementById('movepage'); if( movePageForm != null ) { var newTitleBox = document.getElementById('wpNewTitle'); var reasonBox = document.getElementById('wpReason'); if( newTitleBox ) {addTranslit(movePageForm, newTitleBox);} if( reasonBox ) {addTranslit(movePageForm, reasonBox ); } } // add transliteration feature to upload feature page var upForm=document.getElementById('upload'); if(upForm) { var upName=document.getElementById('wpDestFile'); var upComment=document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription'); if(upName) addTranslit(upForm,upName); if(upComment) addTranslit(upForm,upComment); } // add transliteration feature to create inputbox var crForm=document.getElementById('createbox'); if(crForm) { var crName=crForm.title; if(crName) addTranslit(crForm,crName); } } function addCheckbox(editform,textBox ) { var element = document.createElement("input"); element.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); element.setAttribute("id","realtime"); if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener("click", rtClick, false); else if (element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent("onclick", rtClick); var ellabel = document.createElement("label"); //ellabel.setAttribute("for","realtime"); ellabel.setAttribute("id","labelrealtime"); ellabel.innerHTML = 'For writing in Kannada check the box. ESC - To Toggle between languages. (in IE After ESC press Ctrl+z) '; editform.insertBefore(element,textBox); document.getElementById("realtime").checked = realTime; //editform.insertBefore(labelcheckBox,textBox); editform.insertBefore(ellabel,textBox); document.getElementById("labelrealtime").htmlFor = "realtime"; } function processKeys(event) { if (rtsupported) { if (event.keyCode == 27) // ESC - for ie, Press ctrl+z after pressing ESC { //escape to toggle realTime = !realTime; kn_setCookie('knWikiTranslit',realTime,1);//save status in a cookie var chk = document.getElementById('realtime'); if (chk) { chk.checked = realTime; } return false; } else if (realTime) { translitonkey(event); } } } var realTime = true; function rtClick(event) { realTime = !realTime; kn_setCookie('knWikiTranslit',realTime,1);//save status in a cookie } var rtsupported = false; var error; function checkrt(editform) { try { /* var nav = navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase(); rtsupported = (nav.indexOf("GECKO") >= 0 || nav.indexOf("OPERA") >= 0 || nav.indexOf("SAFARI") >= 0); */ rtsupported = (document.selection != undefined) if (!rtsupported) { var element = document.createElement("TEXTAREA"); editform.appendChild(element); if(element.selectionStart != undefined) rtsupported = true; editform.removeChild(element); } } catch (error) {} } // function to handle cookies function kn_getCookie(cookieName) { if (document.cookie.length>0) { cookieStart=document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName + "="); if (cookieStart!=-1) { cookieStart=cookieStart + cookieName.length+1; cookieEnd=document.cookie.indexOf(";",cookieStart); if (cookieEnd==-1) cookieEnd=document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(cookieStart,cookieEnd)); } } return ""; } function kn_setCookie(cookieName,value,expiredays) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays); document.cookie=cookieName+ "=" +escape(value)+"; path=/"+ ((expiredays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toGMTString()); } addLoadEvent(addTextEvent) /*
- /
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