ಶೋಧನೆಯ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು
ನಿಮ್ಮ ವಿಚಾರಣೆಗೆ ತಕ್ಕ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳಿಲ್ಲ.
ಈ ವಿಕಿಯಲ್ಲಿ "USRC" ಪುಟವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ!
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USS Bear: dual steam-powered and sailing ship
USRC Thomas Corwin: U.S. revenue cutter and merchant ship
USRC Harriet Lane: Union and (from 1863) Confederate steamship
USRC Hudson: U.S. Revenue Service cutter from the Battle of Cárdenas
USRC Naugatuck: revenue cutter of the United States
USS McCulloch: American Revenue Service cutter