ಶೋಧನೆಯ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು
ನಿಮ್ಮ ವಿಚಾರಣೆಗೆ ತಕ್ಕ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳಿಲ್ಲ.
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mathematical model: description of a system using mathematical concepts and language
molecular dynamics simulation: method of computer simulation of molecular interaction
population dynamics: the branch of life sciences studying changes in the size and age composition of populations
fluid dynamics: subdiscipline of fluid mechanics that deals with fluid flow—the natural science of fluids (liquids and gases) in motion
hydrodynamics: study of fluids in motion
dynamical system: mathematical model which describes the time dependence of a point in a geometrical space